Turnips for 575! Limited time.
My island is buying turnips for 575. My gates will be accepting visitors for an hour since I’m preparing to host a birthday (what luck!) get-together soon and need to prepare.
RULES: •Post your IGN and island name to be sent a dodo code.
•Reach the shop by entering the pipe to your left upon entering.
•Exit by plane please. There’s an atm next door for ease.
•I’m letting visitors enter 3 at a time.
•You have 5 minutes to sell as I don’t have much time but you can re-enter the que to sell more.
•Don’t trample flowers, break rocks, or shake trees please.
<3 Niceties: Water a few flowers during your stay if you can and is within the 5 minutes. Please don’t trample. Feel free to leave extra DIY’s or recipes at the nearby stalls left of the center.
Note: I won’t accept more after an hour but those entered in the que are allowed to still come and sell.
My island is buying turnips for 575. My gates will be accepting visitors for an hour since I’m preparing to host a birthday (what luck!) get-together soon and need to prepare.
RULES: •Post your IGN and island name to be sent a dodo code.
•Reach the shop by entering the pipe to your left upon entering.
•Exit by plane please. There’s an atm next door for ease.
•I’m letting visitors enter 3 at a time.
•You have 5 minutes to sell as I don’t have much time but you can re-enter the que to sell more.
•Don’t trample flowers, break rocks, or shake trees please.
<3 Niceties: Water a few flowers during your stay if you can and is within the 5 minutes. Please don’t trample. Feel free to leave extra DIY’s or recipes at the nearby stalls left of the center.
Note: I won’t accept more after an hour but those entered in the que are allowed to still come and sell.